Hey! Im Ashley


copper and co

but..whats it mean? I get asked this ALL THE TIME. And sometimes the clients explanation to my name is so much better then my own! Its so very simple.. and it all leads back to childhood dreams and fancies. Being born a red head I have received my brunt of jokes-some funny and some…ehhh. But out of all the nicknames, Copper-top always made me smile. My favorite grade school teacher use to call me it, she had a habit of giving all her students one(I wasn’t special). Sadly other nicknames like RED are the ones that stuck all my life(warning don’t call me that). My mom handed me my first non disposable camera when I was five. It was hot pink and took 110 film. I was given a roll or two a month…and needless to say.it.was.my.jam! I took pictures of EVERYTHING. And the fascination only grew. My mom handed down her Pentax SLR when I was 13 and the doors where opened to light, and art and color. And I didn’t stop. Honestly you couldn’t have if you tried! When trying to determine my continuing education a few years later, photography was my first choice…but sadly I was talked down out of it. “Its just a hobby, it will never pay the bills.”No starving artists allowed. Sooo for the first time in my life..I walked away from photography. And life happened, ugh…... struggling with some severe personal health issues and death in the family… I came back to the camera. Life was too short to not capture it. And I haven’t walked away since, some 10 years later. Copper is the essence of those childhood days, full of nicknames and the pure joy of capturing life in a moment and being able to hold it in your hand when printed from film. Life Remembered. The co? The ability to grow, grow from the childhood dreams to anything. Skys the limit right? Shoot..more like the stars..

(I swear to you in a few weeks there will be better pictures of us!!!)

you live in a what?!


(we have heard it all)

All that matters to us that we call her home, she’s ours and she’s exactly what we dreamed of.

Meet Alpen

Our tiny “home” cause thats what it is! Winter and Spring 2019 we took on the greatest challenge we have ever done together. Flipping a 2001 RV camper into a full time residence, essentially a tiny home. We have always wanted to be tiny dwellers, honestly? We like the less stuff, worry and expense. Lower environmental impact, less stress…all of it. So when we came across Alpen(the camper) we knew this was something we could do. Now most had very little faith in the plan. It was ok! She looked…rough. But after two months of full time renovating, we happily now call our little camper full time home. Hard work? Yes? But it was WORTH IT. Enjoy some iphone snaps. Its not quite finished yet but..all in good time!